Imbens (JEL 2010) たかがLATEされどLATE

社会科学で急速に増えている実験や自然実験を用いた分析のトレンドを激しく非難したDeaton(2010)Heckman and Urzua(2009)に反論した論文.誘導系vs構造推定を含め,エコノメ界隈では皆が知っているこのやりとりだが,日本の社会学界隈ではあまり知られていないだろう.しかしながら,Deaton (2009)[以下Deaton]やHeckman and Urzua (2009)[以下HU]で述べられていることは,いかにも社会学者が言いそうなことも含まれているため,社会学界隈でももっと普及するべきやりとりのように思う.実際に,社会学者のStephen Morganは因果推論のレクチャーでDeaton (2009), Heckman and Urzua (2009), Imbens(2010)をリーディングリストに挙げている.(社会学者が実際に論争に絡んでいるものとしては社会学者Sobelと経済学者HeckmanのやりとりであるSobel(SM 2005)Heckman(SM 2006)を勧めたい)

Imbens, G. W. 2010. "Better LATE Than Nothing: Some Comments on Deaton (2009) and Heckman and Urzua (2009)." Journal of Economic Literature 48(2): 399-423.

Deaton (2009)やHeckman and Urzua (2009)が批判しているのは,開発経済学でのスタンダードとなりつつあるRCTや自然実験等を利用したIVEから明らかになるLATEである.Deatonらの批判を簡潔にまとめると,effect of causeばっかりやってないでcause of effectをやれ!LATEって知ってなにか良いことあるのか?という点に集約できるだろう( Heckman and Vytlacil(2005)はLIVやMTEを提唱している).おそらく5年後に社会学者が似たような批判をするだろう.こうした批判に対して,Imbensが極めて明快に,effect of causeとcause of effectは補完的だしLATEが分かると良いことたくさんあるしLATE批判してるけど代わりになにするの?と回答している.

"Problems of identification and interpretation are swept under the rug and replaced by ‘an effect’ identified by IV that is often very difficult to interpret as an answer to an interesting economic question" (HU, p. 20).

"The LATE may, or may not, be a parameter of interest . . . and in general, there is no reason to suppose that it will be . . . I find it hard to make any sense of the LATE" (Deaton, p. 10).

"futility of trying to avoid thinking about how and why things work" (Deaton, p. 14).


By emphasizing internal validity and study design, this litera- ture has shown the importance of looking for clear and exogenous sources of variation in potential causes. In contrast to what Deaton and HU suggest, this issue of data quality and study design is distinct from the choice between more or less structural or theory driven models and estimation methods.


In my opinion, the main concern with the current trend toward credible causal inference in general, and toward randomized experiments in particular, is that it may lead researchers to avoid questions where randomization is difficult, or even conceptually impossible, and natural experiments are not available.

DeatonやHUはより理論的な研究に力を入れるべきだと述べているが,Imbensはそもそもそうした方向性では限界があるからRCTとかIVとかRDDが出てきたんだろと述べている.具体的には,2節でLaLonde(1986)の構造推定論文を引き,4節のThe Benefits of Randomized Experiments,5節のInstrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects, and Regression Discontinuity Designsで近年の因果推論がいかにempirical workに貢献してきたかを説いている.5節のInstrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects, and Regression Discontinuity Designsが調査観察データについてなので以下に簡潔にまとめる.

5. Instrumental Variables, Local Average Treatment Effects, and Regression Discontinuity Designs


First, they rely on additional assumptions and, second, they have less external validity. Often, however, such evaluations are all we have.

fuzzy RDDを含むIVの仮定を確認すると,

The first key assumption is that draft eligibility is exogenous. Since it was actually randomly assigned, this is true by design in this case. The second is that there is no direct effect of the instrument, the lottery number, on the outcome. This is what Angrist, Imbens, and Rubin (1996) call the exclusion restriction. This is a substantive assumption that may well be violated. See Angrist (1990) and Angrist, Imbens, and Rubin (1996) for discussions of potential violations. The third assumption is what IA call monotonicity, which requires that any man who would serve if not draft eligible, would also serve if draft eligible. In this setting, monotonicity, or as it is sometimes called “no-defiers,” seems a very reasonable assumption.

最後の仮定はIVに連動するどころか逆の反応をする「天邪鬼」のようなdefiersがいないことを意味する(IVではcompliers, defiers, never-takers, always-takersの4subpopulationが想定できる).DeatonはLATE(compliersにおける推定量)なんか興味ないだろと言っているが,それは分析目的に依存するし,Imbensもそう述べている.結局はどの母集団を分析したいのかという問題が背景にあるが,この点を説明するためにImbensはManskiの部分識別(Partial Identification)の話を引いている.さらに,そもそもすべての母集団の因果効果を識別できないからLATEがでてきたという話もしながらImbensは以下のように述べている.

Again, researchers do not necessarily set out to estimate the average for these particular subpopulations but, in the face of the lack of internal validity of estimates for other subpopulations, they justifiably choose to report estimates for them.